I am a graphic designer and illustrator based in Warsaw. I design posters as well as publications, and in illustration my focus is collage. I work with non profit organizations such as the Empowering Children Foundation (Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę), the Roman Czernecki Educational Foundation (fundacja EFC), sexed.pl, the Women's Right Centre (Centrum Praw Kobiet), Feminoteka, the Abortion Dream Team, the Association of Creative Initiatives "ę" (Towarzystwo inicjatyw twórczych Ę), the Polish Migration Forum Foundation (Polskie Forum Migracyjne – PFM) and institutions – among them The Musuem of Modern Art in Warsaw, the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, the Polish Olympic Committee, Stowarzyszenie Sztuka Nowa. Since 2018 I have been affiliated with Zwykłe Życie magazine as a graphic designer and illustrator, designing layouts and illustrating articles.